Thursday, April 2, 2009

Half-Way There!

This weekend, I participated in, and successfully completed my very first half-marathon. That's right! 13.1 miles! And a good chunk of the race was on trails that were so rocky, I ended up having to walk quite a bit. But I got through it, thanks to the support of some great people who were with me at every step.
I got to the race at 5 am, because I was told that the good parking (i.e., close to the finish line) fills up quickly. It was true, but I could have gotten there at 5:30 and still have been fine. But that meant I woke up at 4ish. When I arrived, I tried to get some more sleep in my car, since I wasn't meeting with the TNT folks until 6 am. But I was too excited to sleep. I called my parents on the East coast, figuring that they might be awake. Then I listened to music and finally decided to take a walk.
I found my group at just before 6 am. It was still dark outside, and extremely cold. I wore a jacket, figuring that I could always shed it when the temperature rose. We warmed up at around 6:30, used the lovely porta-potties and the group that was participating in the Chesebro half-marathon walked up the hill to the starting point.
I feel a bit bad for the residents on the street that was the starting point. People were warming up on their front lawns and driveways, making lots of noise at 6:45 am on a Saturday morning.
But the race started and suddenly the mob was moving. I had positioned myself near the rear because I didn't want to get trampled. Good thing, too. As it was, I had to figure out how to get out the way of some people who looked as though they'd take no prisoners.
The first mile was around the neighborhood -- all residential. We had a quick downhill drop that was surprisingly steep. That was surprisingly challenging.
By about the first half of a mile, I was pretty stiff and thought that if things didn't get better, I wasn't going to make it through. Luckily, my companions helped babble about stuff and I started to take my mind off of how crummy I felt, and I started looking at houses that were for sale. Seriously. Agoura Hills is very pretty. Of course, I'd hate having so many noisy runners coming through my development at 7 am on a Saturday...unless, I were one of them.
Just after mile 1, we ran past the parking lot where my car was parked. I saw my car, and I seriously considered bailing. But then I remembered that I wanted to prove to myself that I follow-through with my tough goals, and I gave the ol' Corolla a parting glance and continued.
Somewhere around mile 2 I saw the first professional photographer, and then I got excited again. After all, I wanted something good to scrapbook! So I unzipped my jacket so that the number on my race bib could be read, and gave a huge grin to the camera. It turned out to be a pretty cute picture. Of course, they're charging an arm and a leg for it. But I figure that this is my first race, and I will get the digital negative, because then I can maximize the value.
Around mile 3, we entered the park and the trail. There was another porta-potty and we decided to stop and use it, since the next one wouldn't be until we were out of the park again.
The beginning of the trail was pretty decent, and I was able to maintain my run 4/walk 2 pace.
And then things got a little rocky. I mean that literally. Aware that I still have two months of training for my marathon, and the fact that I had 6 more miles of unknown trail terrain, I decided to walk a lot, instead of run. I have a nasty habit of finding uneven ground and twisting my weak ankle, so I didn't want to set myself up to fall. And I wanted to conserve energy.
I knew there was going to be a big long climb at some point, but nobody seemed to know exactly where it was....or they weren't telling me because probably had I known, I would have seriously considered running back to my car.
But the scenery kept up with our pace. The harder our trek, the more beautiful the trail became. There were great spots that were shaded, which were nice and cool, but the sun stole peaks through branches and ragged hills, warming our already flushed skin.
When we came to the long climb, I felt like my energy reserve was spent. But I knew that I had already passed the mile 6 marker, and that if I turned around, I would still be covering about the same distance if I finished. And I set out to complete this run. So I kept going. My personal cheerleaders, Christy, Bridget and Ines (from TNT) helped motivate me and took photographs of my long hill climb to give me a second to catch my breath, look around, and enjoy the experience. I slowed quite a bit, and new muscles were aching. Being with my TNT friends, I thought about why I joined the Team. I thought about the people who were fighting cancer, in whatever form it takes, and I thought how greatful I am that right here, right now, I am able to push my body and cover such ground. My uphill battle was nothing compared to theirs. So I reached the top. Slowly. And I took it in.
I looked around at the green and brown laced mountain peaks, alternating between sun-lit colorful streaks and hidden shadows. It was like I reached a temporary heaven.
But there were another 5 or so miles left to complete, so I resumed. Luckily, most of it was down hill. I was exhausted, so I pretty much walked the remainder of the trail, except for a few bursts of energy that propelled me to run.
When we got to mile 10, I knew that we had almost finished the trail portion of the half-marathon. We were cheered-on by some friendly park-rangers who tried to encourage us by saying that there was only one last hill, and then the rest of the race was down-hill. I know that they meant well, but I really didn't want to know about that last hill. Especially because I thought we were finished with hills already.
But I had come that far, so I slowly treked up the last hill. It wasn't as steep or long as the big one, but because I was that much more sore and tired, it felt nearly as tough. At the top of the hill, however, was someone who sprayed some cold wet substance all over my legs. It felt amazing. I have no idea what that stuff was (hopefully not toxic), but it helped keep me moving forward.
And then we reached the end of the trail and the next batch of porta-potties. I figured that there was no reason to make the last part of the race more difficult than it already was, so we used them, and got back on the road to finish up. I couldn't run any more. I power-walked.
At mile 11, I realized that everything from there-on was new. The most I had previously run/walked in one setting had been 11 miles, the previous Saturday, so I should be proud of myself for each step. I felt sore, but envigorated. My right foot, in the arch area, was aching though, which was another reason I worried about running. I didn't want to hurt myself.
The road was much more monotonous than the trail, and unfortunately, unlike the trail, we could see pretty much everything that was coming. A whole lot more road.
We turned the bend, and I recognized that we were coming up on where our Team warm-up had been, and I knew where the finish line was. Well, I thought I did.
So I got a quick pulse of adrenaline and ran down the street toward the finish line's sign. But when I got there, people were shouting to keep going around the bend into the park where I saw, for the first time, the actual finish line, clock, and whatever the floating arch thing is called. It looked a bit farther than I had anticipated, but I kept going.
I crossed the finish line, got photographed, and started crying. Of course, I was extremely dirty and sweaty, and so my tears actually stung my eyes. And then I took some horrible pictures and met up my Kelley and tried some of the spectacular post-race food and tried to relax and take it all in. I got a finisher's medal.
My time, had I had a particular goal, was horrid. Seriously. I am extremely proud of myself for completing this race at all. But realistically, I finished in 3 hours, 41 minutes, 1 second. That is a 16:53 minute mile pace. Okay, that included some waiting around for bathroom breaks and whatnot. But even without the breaks, which Christy was kind enough to calculate, I finished in exactly 3 hours, 30 minutes, which is basically a 16 minute mile. Christy told me that it was the goal she had had for me, given my practice and given the trail, so I guess that's good. Well, if nothing else, it gives me a lot of room for improvement. To put things into perspective, the fastest runner completed the 13.1 miles in 1 hour, 11 minutes and 53 seconds. The slowest completed it in 4 hours, 48 minutes, and 5 seconds.
I guess the best part of this whole experience is the fact that I am constantly proving to myself that the limits I place on myself are artifical. That I can do more than I thought. That I can push through real challenges. I hope, God forbid, that if I do end up facing something more challenging, like the cancer I'm trying to raise money to eradicate, I will be able to look back on these runs and remind myself that people are stronger and tougher than they think, and are often limited to the extent that they allow themselves to be. Clearly, much is out of our control, like how much time we have on this earth or the rocky terrain we traverse. But within these external constraints, we should break free of the artificial ones we place on ourselves, and never forget to live in the moment and enjoy each precious second that we have been given.

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